Microsoft Office

Excel Copilot

In Excel, Sally can help you to generate tables, edit data, create charts, analyze data with Python, and you can use it on MacOS and Windows.

You can do following tasks:

  • Generate formulas
  • Generate tables
  • Recommend charts
  • Complete data table
  • Recommend charts
  • Edit data with Office Javascript
  • Analyze data with Python
  • Generate VBA code

Generate formulas

Select data range with headers, then tell Sally your formula needs and Sally will give you the exact formula based on the table structure.

Generate tables

Tell Sally your table needs, and Sally will generate a table for you.

Recommend charts

Select data range with headers, then tell Sally your chart needs and Sally will give you the exact chart based on the table structure, or let Sally recommend the most suitable chart for you.

Complete data table

Sally can help you complete cell values by filling in missing data based on existing data.

Edit data with Office Javascript

Sally can generate Office Javascript code based on your needs to edit data in Excel.

You can input like this:

  1. enter 100 in cell B5.
  2. caculate sum of B Column.
  3. copy the value in cell B5 to cell C5.
  4. find the max value in column B.
  5. replace all occurrences of the word "apple" with "orange".
  6. delete rows with Sales>500
  7. remove column C
  8. add prefix "XX" to column A
  9. create a new column to the left of column A.

Analyze data with Python

Sally can generate Python code based on your needs and table structure to analyze data in Excel, you can use it to visualize data, calculate statistics, and more. you can use it on MacOS, Windows.

You can input like this:

  1. calculate the average of column B.
  2. find the max value in column B.
  3. create a bar chart of column B.
  4. analyze the correlation between column A and column B.
  5. find the top 10 products with the highest sales.
  6. generate a data table with the top 10 products with the highest sales.

Generate VBA code

Sally can help you generate VBA code based on your needs and table structure. but Sally can't execute VBA code, you need to run it in Excel.
